
I began painting the LITTLE’s collection in 2014. This series started because of my wonderings about the act of collecting art. Why do we do it. How do we do it. Who does it, all the usual questions.

I like to think we collect art because we are civilized, appreciate the thoughtful expressions or the simple beauty of a creation. Or perhaps the style of an artist brings a peace of mind or sparks a thought to meander.

 We do of course collect art by buying it. As some have discovered we do not have to have 10’s of thousands of dollars to buy and collect art. Wouldn’t it be nice if we did, but art collection can range in the 10’s of dollars or hundreds of dollars as well. The nice thing is, art collection can and should appreciate with time and rise in value.

 Of course, anyone can collect art.

And so I started painting this 5×7, canvas on panel collection, a continuing series that is fun for me to paint. All the usual work goes into my LITTLES: the time-consuming joy of mixing my palette (sometimes an hour, sometimes a day or two), the design, the idea behind each painting, the problem I might wish to tackle (light, angles, foreshortening, color relationships, mood, and so on…).

If you are ready to collect, or not, my wish is that you might feel peace of mind from these works.